MG250/300-NWD型短壁電牽引采煤機 MG250/300-NWD型短壁電牽引采煤機是一種特殊類型的,多電機驅(qū)動橫向布置的單滾筒電 牽引采煤機,它特別適用與工作面長度在200m~600m之間,工作面傾角小于15°的短綜采面,對 于長工作面,采用雙機工作時,它可作為開缺口機用,具有廣泛的適應性和靈活性,它的問世, 對急傾斜特厚煤層水平分層和“三下采煤”的綜合機械化開辟了廣闊的前景,為我國填補了這個 領域的空白。 MG250/300-NWD is a special multi-functionalsingle ended ranging drum shearer . It isparticularly available for thefully mechanizedshort wall face with its length of20-60meters andinclination of ≤10°. It can be not only used asstable hole cutter but also the face opening and roadway heading machine. The appearance of this machine opens a vista for sub-level cavingextraction as well as fully mechanized winn -ingunder waters, railway or buildings and fills the gapin the field of coal mining machinery in our cou -ntry.